Registered Clinical Counselling | East Vancouver | Commercial Drive
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
"The first modality that taught me that it’s possible to help me help people feel safe was EMDR." - Bessel Van der Kolk
EMDR is a model of therapy that helps people to heal from the symptoms and emotional impact that are the result of distressing life experiences. It's a structured approach that can reduce the vividness and emotion associated with trauma memories. This is done through the use of bilateral stimulation paired with a brief focusing on the trauma memory.
Created in the 1980's by Dr. Francine Shapiro, EMDR demonstrates that the mind can heal from psychological trauma just as much as the body recovers from physical trauma. Like a physical wound needs to be cleaned and tended to so that healing can happen, so do our brain's information processing system needs to have any barriers or blocks removed so healing can resume. EMDR uses detailed protocols and procedures to help the mind in it's natural movement toward healing.​
EMDR is best known for its role in treating post-traumatic stress disorder, but can also be a helpful treatment for depression, anxiety, chronic pain, addiction, and other distressing life experiences. ​​Repeated studies show that EMDR can help people to experience benefits that psychotherapy can take years to produce.